For golang based HTTP/REST API documentation,I choose swagger. go-swagger has several features for swagger documentation. The go-swagger can generate swagger spec based code generation but I already have an REST API server. I use go-swagger with golang comment annotation for swagger spec generation.
For REST API development, Design first with writing spec and then generating codes from it is a good approach. goa is a famous tool for this style.
Generate go-swagger spec
The go-swagger has a command that will let you generate a swagger spec document from codes. The command scan all files from current directory or specific file path to sub directories.
To generate a spec:
swagger generate spec
command makes swagger.json spec.
// Package rest HTTP API.
// Schemes: http
// Host: localhost
// BasePath: /
// Version: 0.0.1
// Consumes:
// - application/json
// Produces:
// - application/json
// swagger:meta
package rest
//go:generate swagger generate spec -m -i ./swagger.yml -o ./static/swagger.json
Operations and struct model mapping
One of reasons why I choose swagger or api documentation generation tool is that parsing source code and using on api spec.
// swagger:operation POST /v1/articles Article create_article
// Create an article resource
// ---
// summary: Create article
// parameters:
// - in: body
// required: true
// schema:
// $ref: "#/definitions/createArticleRequest"
// responses:
// responses:
// '200':
// description: successful operation
// schema:
// $ref: "#/definitions/Article"
// '500':
// description: failed operation (error)
// schema:
// $ref: "#/definitions/Error"
func createAppHandler(context *gin.Context) {
The definitions/Article
and definitions/Error
are mapping from struct with swagger:model
// swagger:model
type Article struct {
ID string `db:"id" json:"id" yaml:"id"`
Name string `db:"name" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
CreateTime time.Time `db:"create_time" json:"create_time"`
UpdateTime time.Time `db:"update_time" json:"update_time"`
It is convenient if you have complex request and response payloads.
Embedded static asset(swagger.json) with go-bindata
I want to embedded the swagger-ui and redoc frontend page to my rest api server. go-bindata converts any text or binary file into Go source code.
go:generate go-bindata -prefix "static/" -o static/bindata.go -pkg static static/...
That’s it. the swagger.json
is embedded in golang code. With gin framework, you can use it with staticbin.
import ""
router.Use(staticbin.Static(static.Asset, staticbin.Options{
Dir: "/static",
Embedded with swagger-ui, you can use swagger-doc’s assets for it.
import (
swaggerDoc ""
swaggerAsset ""
router.Use(staticbin.Static(swaggerAsset.Asset, staticbin.Options{
Dir: "/swagger-ui",
router.Any("/redoc", gin.WrapH(swaggerDoc.NewRedocHandler("/static/swagger.json", "redoc")))
I’m not sure this approach is good. I think that better approach exists for it. apiblueprint is simple yaml structure than swagger’s yaml. but I have not found good apiblueprint utils for my taste for golang code generation or spec generation from code.